Monday, April 12, 2010

House renovations - how to make a room pretty!

I've lived in my house for about 4 years now. The time has gone so quickly and when I look around we (my partner and I) haven't done much decorating in that time.

So I decided now was the time! Choose a room and start beautifying! We have a large front room that we were using for miscellaneous items but the room really didn't really serve a purpose. Because this room would be easy to clear out we decided to make it the first experiment.

I know wallpaper is very 'in fashion' at the moment, but I also understand why - it's gorgeous! There are so many great designs around and I spent hours pouring over designs at a shop in Brisbane -  the wallpaper shop. They have all of these wonderful samples of the wallpaper and it's very hard to choose. Luckily I didn't have many restrictions as we were planning on getting the room painted and also carpeted later down the track.

So after a few months of procrastination our wallpaper is up! Still daggy furniture, light fittings etc but at least I can say I've started to make the house pretty!

wallpaper lounge room


  1. I have never written on a blog before but this is a topic I just love.

    Another great way to make a room look great
    (along with fabulous wallpaper) is to get some great storage bins because they are a beautiful way to store things that aren't so pretty.

    I came across this seller on etsy and her products are lovely and the photos really help provide you with some design ideas

  2. Hi! Thanks for posting on my blog. That is an awesome esty shop. I love esty so much, so many pretty things to find! Things from esty also feel so homeade and loved and I think they feel a lot more unique too.
