Monday, April 12, 2010

House renovations - how to make a room pretty!

I've lived in my house for about 4 years now. The time has gone so quickly and when I look around we (my partner and I) haven't done much decorating in that time.

So I decided now was the time! Choose a room and start beautifying! We have a large front room that we were using for miscellaneous items but the room really didn't really serve a purpose. Because this room would be easy to clear out we decided to make it the first experiment.

I know wallpaper is very 'in fashion' at the moment, but I also understand why - it's gorgeous! There are so many great designs around and I spent hours pouring over designs at a shop in Brisbane -  the wallpaper shop. They have all of these wonderful samples of the wallpaper and it's very hard to choose. Luckily I didn't have many restrictions as we were planning on getting the room painted and also carpeted later down the track.

So after a few months of procrastination our wallpaper is up! Still daggy furniture, light fittings etc but at least I can say I've started to make the house pretty!

wallpaper lounge room

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pretty things for babies

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that it was my friend’s birthday. This same friend is also pregnant, and for her birthday I found a gorgeous wall sticker for her nursery. I’ve seen wall stickers at markets and at shopping centres but of course on the day that I wanted to buy one, there were no stalls in sight. So after some internet searching I found this shop in Bulimba in Brisbane. It’s gorgeous! If you are pregnant or have any pregnant friends you might want to pop in to My first room.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

On the subject of cakes….

On the subject of cakes…. I just celebrated my first wedding anniversary with my husband and we ate the top layer of the wedding cake! The cake was made by Ruth Lawill from Divine inspirations in Brisbane and the photo is courtesy of Todd Hunter Mcgaw.

wedding cake

A few other pretty cakes

For the past year or so I’ve tried making a few different cakes and using different techniques. I have a big family so there's always a reason to make a cake!  Here’s just a few photos I’ve found and I’ll post more as I find them.

My sister’s 40th Birthday cake.

black and white fondant iced cake

My nieces christening cake.

cake with ganache icing and fresh flowers

A pretty cake for Angie

Well this is my first post and it’s hard to start.

I’ve wanted to write a blog for a while but didn’t know what subject to focus on. Instead of any one thing I’ve decided to focus on all things pretty. So let’s get started!

Tonight I made a red velvet cake for my friends birthday. It was my first attempt at a red velvet and also my first attempt at the weaved basket icing effect.

I used this recipe to make the cake

I was extremely hesitant to use this recipe becuase I’ve never baked with vinegar before, but it in the end I think turned out pretty good and I don’t think the vinegar could be tasted.

red velvet cake with weaved cream cheese icing

I used this tutorial to help with the weaved icing.

red velvet cake with weaved cream cheese icing